'Just-A-Minute' (JAM) talk competition

Highlights of 'Just-A-Minute' (JAM) talk competition: (Montessori)


To enhance public speaking skills, quick thinking, and confidence

Topics included:

M1 : Talk on their favourite object

Which helped in building confidence, vocabulary and fluency

M2: My family

Where children expressed their personal expression ,creativity and an improved fluency

M3: Healthy and unhealthy food

Improved public speaking skills Vocabulary and fluency and Communication skills. Students showcased remarkable eloquence and quick thinking.

The event helped students overcome stage fright and develop confidence.

Grade 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
M1 Tulip Aarushi Jainith B Jain Mridhini Rawal
M1 Rose Laalithya T J Gowda Saish J Dhyana Saish J Dhyana
M2 Cloudberry Shivansh RV Rashithra S Mithyavi and Suvidh TH
M2 Strawberry Jannah Bint Arifuddin Dishanth Arya Siri Lakshmi
M2 Blueberry Punarva H G Lekhana C S Jaasritha N R
M3 Earth Yashvi P Aditya Hiyaan R and Jagruthi BG Navaneetha Krishna
M3 Jupiter Dhavaneeth P Gagan P Chandra Lirisha Nagaraj M S
M3 Venus Lavisha Yadav P Dhanvin C Akanksha N A