Poster Making Competition : "Power of Play" - Grades 9 and 10

"Stride to Glory: Unleashing Excellence on Sports Day"

Theme: "Power of Play"

Highlights: Students in Grades 9 and 10 recently participated in a Poster Making Competition themed "Power of Play." The event aimed to explore the positive impact of sports on overall well-being.

Creativity Showcase: Participants showcased impressive creativity, illustrating the dynamic aspects of sports through vibrant depictions of athletes, teamwork, and determination. The posters effectively conveyed the joy and spirit of sports. emphasized the idea that sports go beyond competition, fostering essential life skills such as teamwork and resilience. Each artwork delivered a powerful message about the transformative influence of engaging in sports.

Winners and Recognition: Winning entries skillfully captured the "Power of Play" with a perfect blend of artistic flair and thematic resonance. Recognition was given to participants, encouraging a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Conclusion: The "Power of Play" Poster Making Competition provided a platform for students to celebrate the positive influence of sports. Through creative expressions, participants contributed to a collective appreciation of the enduring impact of play in our lives.

"Celebrating the well-deserved winners!"

Grade 1st Place House 2nd Place House 3rd Place House
9 Namitha D Coral Yashi L Coral Priya R Emerald
Rishika Aradhya Ruby
10 Akshatha M Coral Varuna R Das Coral Simrah Khanum Emerald